Many people probably already know that fat and carbohydrates (starch) are nutrients that are important causes of weight gain. or become obese if eaten improperly But new research from scientists in Spain suggests that not all fats make us fat. and does not have any serious effects on the body

The research began with a sample of men. and approximately 7,447 middle-aged women, most of whom were overweight, obese, had type 2 diabetes , or were likely to have heart disease.
One group began eating a Mediterranean style diet. Emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat protein such as fish and added with olive oil and nuts. Spend up to 5 years eating such foods without counting the number of calories eaten. Another group was given a low-fat diet. And the number of calories eaten each day was not counted either.
Group eating a Mediterranean style diet Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and more fish and eat meat and fewer dairy products than those in the low-fat diet โปรโมชั่น ufabet group. But the results showed that the Mediterranean diet group weighed slightly more on average than the low-fat diet group.
Therefore, from the results of this experiment, it can be proved. Most people misunderstand that meat is And dairy products are an important cause of obesity. But in fact, nutrients make you fat more easily. Carbohydrates are starches and sugars. Another study found that only 3.6% of those who died from heart disease were caused by saturated fat. that we find in meat and dairy products, and more than 10% of people who die from heart disease It has to do with eating vegetable oils that can be found in the Mediterranean diet.
In addition, the researchers further stated that People who drink normal fat milk They also have a 46% lower risk of diabetes than people who drink skim milk.
Therefore, if you want to lose weight And reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. You should focus on reducing carbohydrate foods (starch and sugar) rather than worrying about fatty foods. But what about meat that is greasy? You shouldn’t eat too much either. You should focus on eating good fats like olive oil, nuts, and seafood.