6 serious illnesses that come your way if you “drink too little water”

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The dangers that arise from the habit of drinking too little water that many people never think about. If you are someone who rarely gets up from your chair, fills a glass of water but can last all day, or are so busy that you don’t sit still, running in and out of the meeting room, and only drink water during lunch, let me tell you that your body is “dehydrated” without you knowing it. It has a serious negative effect on your health without you even knowing it.

6 serious illnesses that come your way if you “drink too little water”

6 serious illnesses that come your way if you “drink too little water”


Who would have thought that just drinking less water could lead to a risk of dementia. Because when our bodies lack water, the amount of water in the body is not enough to be part of the blood that is pumped throughout the body. When the blood becomes thicker. The heart cannot pump enough blood to the brain, which is the cause of dementia. Therefore, if you feel unrefreshed, lethargic, slow to think, not energetic, dizzy, it may be the result of just “drinking too little water.”


Of course, if the body does not receive enough water, it will result in more difficult digestion in the stomach, and dry intestines may prevent us from expelling feces because the feces may be too dry. When waste accumulates in the intestines. The intestines will absorb the waste back into the body. Causing the โปรโมชั่น ufabet blood to have more waste and become thicker than before. The feces are harder and drier, leading to constipation and eventually ending with hemorrhoids.

Joint pain.

Believe it or not, the cartilage in many parts of the body, including the intervertebral discs. Which are important parts and easily become abnormal, are made up of up to 80% water. Therefore, if the joints or intervertebral discs are dry and not moist enough. The joints may not absorb shock well enough, which can easily lead to injury or inflammation when having to exert force when walking, lifting, swinging, or even when exercising and lifting weights.

Urinary Tract Infection / Cystitis

If you have the urge to urinate but no urine comes out or only a few drops come out, you may have a urinary tract infection or cystitis, which is caused by not drinking enough water, infection and holding urine for long periods of time.


: Believe it or not, if you drink too little water, it can lead to obesity. Because if you drink enough water in the morning, during lunch and in the evening, or maybe drink a glass of water before eating, you will find that you feel full easily and faster than eating without drinking any water. Especially if you are someone who already eats a lot and do not drink water, due to hunger or cravings, you may easily gain weight by eating too much.

Irregular periods.

Women’s periods are another good indicator of health. If you find that your periods are irregular, missing, too watery, too dark, come in the form of blood clots, or even have severe menstrual cramps, the main reason you may be ignoring may be that you are not drinking enough water. This is because when there is not enough water in the body, the body cannot use the water to create menstruation.

3 signs of someone who doesn’t drink enough water

If you are not sure whether you are a person who drinks little water, you can observe from:

  1. Urinating less than 4-7 times per day
  2. Urine is dark yellow almost every time.
  3. Urine has a strong pungent smell 

Just  drinking too little water  can have such a negative effect on your body. This doesn’t even include the negative effects on your skin, such as sagging, dull, dry skin, dry eyes, and looking older than your age. Ladies, when you hear this, you’ll probably scream.

Therefore, if anyone has symptoms of not drinking enough water, they should increase their water intake to around 1,500-2,000 milliliters per day or 6-8 glasses per day. Or if you are afraid of forgetting, put a liter bottle on the table and remind yourself to finish it. Take a sip while working and bring a glass of water into the meeting room. I guarantee that if you can do this, your body will never be dehydrated again.

Note:  If you drink less than 6-8 glasses of water but do not show any symptoms of low water intake, it may be because you drink beverages or eat foods that contain enough water. Therefore, it may not be necessary to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. However, “plain water” is still important for the body. Do not forget to drink some plain water.